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UNIT 1-Computer Science

This unit addresses the basics of Computer Science and how computers work with Binary Code. It tracks the logical thinking patterns that most computer programmers take while coming up with a solution to solve a problem. Pseudocode for basic coding instructions gets elaborated with flowcharts and the 'Yes/ No' aspect of how decisions are made and embedded in the thinking process. 


Students are exposed to the SCRUM methodology to think and make decisions from a project based perspective; prioritising, communicating and streamlining. 


Curriculum Links: Computer science and software engineering refers to a group of concepts associated with the discipline of computer science and how they are applied in user interfaces. Initially students learn about basic concepts of algorithms, programming language and user interface. Students progress to learning about tractability, data representations, coding, usability heuristics, formal specification of the syntax of programming languages, and software development methods.


Indicator of Progression:

Level  1

Students can:

  • explain how algorithms are distinct from related concepts such as programs and informal instructions

  • compare and contrast the concepts of algorithms, programs, and informal instructions

  • determine and compare the costs of two different iterative algorithms for the same problem of size n

  • compare and contrast high level and low level (or machine) languages, and explaining different ways in which programs in a high level programming language are translated into a machine language

  • discuss how different factors of a user interface

Level  2

  • compare and contrast different ways in which different types of data can be represented using bits and discuss the implications

  • discuss how a widely used technology is enabled by one or more of compression coding, error control coding, and encryption enable

  • suggest improvements to a given human-computer interface based on an evaluation in terms of simple usability heuristics

  • Resources:


NCEA Standards: 






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